Google confirms – Cookies are here to stay

For the last few years, digital marketers have been told to prepare for a cookie-less world. Cookies, small pieces of text sent to a browser by a website and used for their ability to track website and campaign performance, product or service-level interest, and conversion/transaction data have been a staple in digital marketing campaigns since their inception. Removing this data set was going to lead to significant changes in targeting strategy, campaign reporting, and bottom-line revenue for many advertisers.

So, Google allowed time for advertisers and regulators to come up with an alternative. And then, more time….and more. Cut to July 2024 and, after multiple delays, Google decided no desirable alternative existed and that cookies would have to remain.

Should we be surprised? As a digital marketing veteran of almost 20 years, my answer is “not really.” Google has too many users and too many advertisers to make as firm a change as Apple made with iOS14 without serious declines in response rate and cost efficiencies. Now, their likely path forward is a compromise between Apple’s permission-based tracking and traditional third-party cookie usage. Time will tell how this plays out.

Regardless of Google’s latest decision, it’s important to note that the idea behind cookie deprecation has merit. User privacy should be a concern to all responsible advertisers (which we know all about), and the average consumer is much more aware of how much of their online activity is tracked than ever before. That means, while cookies remain available, don’t stop looking for cookie-less alternatives to include in your strategies, like your own first-party data or the Privacy Sandbox. Also, if your messaging is on-point and your user experience is relevant and engaging, consumers are less likely to be bothered by your ads and more likely to take the desired action.

At Quattro, our media plans are never based solely on cookies. Our campaigns combine multiple targeting options designed to provide optimal reach and response. We remain prepared to draft and execute strategies that are served to relevant audiences, all while providing full transparency into your results.

Find out more about how Quattro can help your business get in front, and stay in front, of the audiences that matter most to you.