by Sam Kwietniak | Sep 19, 2024 | Agency, Creative
The speech is over. The crowd’s warmed up. It’s time to step out and start the show. But—shoot!—the light cues are all wrong and the guy in the booth is apparently not in the booth anymore. Oh well, the show must go on. Time to play the right notes and pretend...
by Scott Armstrong | Jun 12, 2024 | Creative
When you’re trying to knock off a direct mail control, it helps to have some proven tricks up your sleeve. Here are four to pull out the next time you’re developing a new creative: 1. Affix a faux card to the letter. To be clear, there’s no real reason to add a card —...
by Sam Kwietniak | Apr 22, 2024 | Creative
Like any project, it all starts with an ask. This one was particularly daunting: How can we translate a trove of devastating data into an increase in donations in two minutes or less? Let’s back up for a second. For the last eight years, Quattro has been assisting the...
by Sam Kwietniak | May 11, 2023 | Creative
Ah, the corporate employee training video. Dingy beige sets and synthesizer soundtracks. Bad suits and dead air. Slowly moving stock footage of a “digitally connected world.” Odds are, you’ve had to sit through at least one of these miserable excuses for on-the-job...
by Brett Marek | May 3, 2023 | Creative
How working as a theme park caricature artist prepared me for agency life Sometimes life hands you a life-changing experience when you least expect it. For me, it came the summer I graduated from high school and took a job as a caricature artist at a theme park. For...
by Quattro PR | Apr 12, 2023 | Creative, Digital Marketing
Philadelphia PA – April 1, 2022 — After several months of collaboration and development, Quattro premiered a new fundraising video for the American Red Cross of Southeastern Pennsylvania. The video, entitled “Time After Time,” debuted at the 21st annual Red Ball in...